Monday, March 2, 2015

Big man and little man.

My name is Kat I am a mother of two little boys, big man and little man. 
And than I have my sisters little girls too in the day time. 
My husband and I have been married for almost 4 years (but been together for almost 10) 

So my life is full of kids! Day and night. 
Let me tell you alittle about my boys. 

Big man is my toddler he is 2 1/2 and we call him the "monster" he is a normal little boy. He wants to see everything and be everywhere! He loves cars, all about cars! 
He doesn't like to go to bed at night. He dosent like to eat dinner. Most nights I'm running after him just to try and get him to eat! And don't start me on bedtime!!! 

Little man. He is my baby. Though he is a toddler now. He is 14 months but He is still my cute sweet baby. He loves hugs, naps and food! But we all know that won't last too long. 

They both are very good boys. And love to play. And fight. And hug and fight. 

See? All that cuteness right there? I know what you are thinking. Them fight? Never!
All the time. Just look at little mans face!